
Friday, 9 October 2009

Greetings Farm and Whiff of Joy Alert

Just to let you know that Hotshotcrafts ( who I demo for at shows) have now got The Greetings Farm stamps, (Anya and Ian etc) AND Whiff of Joy stamps in stock.
As you know both lots of stamps are beautiful and make the most gorgeous cards and projects.
Happy stamping
Love Sarah XXX

p.s. I'm also trying out a new blog background as I thought my blog page looked rather plain. Please leave a comment about what you think of it
Love Sarah XXX


  1. Hi Sarah
    Just thought i would add to your followers. Quite impressed with artistic content i will give it 5.9. I must say i dig the picture did it take long to strike that pose.

  2. Hi Sarah,

    I love the new blog background it really is gorgus! Great news about Greetings Farm stamps at HScrafts, I'll have to take a look. Happy posting I regularly check out your blog now, lots of inspiration for me.

    Take care & hope to see you at a show soon
    love Crystaltips

    P.S Congratulations to Daniel, what a wonderful achievement you must be sooo proud! Ttfn

  3. Thanx for visiting my blog again,Sarah!! Always nice to see that you've stopped by!

    I love your new background, too!! Wonderful!!

    Scrappy hug C",)
