
Friday, 29 January 2010

Lemonade Stand award and blog candy winner!

What a great surprise to receive a lovely award from Susielou. I also received the same award from Freckleface
It is the Lemonade Stand award.
The rules of acceptance are -
Put the lemonade stand on your blog within your post.
Nominate at least 10 other bloggers.
Let the nominees know they have received the award.
Link the nominees within your post.
Share the love and link the person from whom you received the award. ( I hope you don't mind Susie but I copied these rules straight from your blog)
so here are my nominees:
  1. Jane
  2. Squirrel
  3. Juls
  4. Denise
  5. Lisa
  6. Dawn
  7. Net
  8. Angela
  9. Kjerstin
  10. Sarah
There were so many people to choose from but I narrowed it down tto these 10. Thanks for all your visits and lovely comments. I really do appreciate them.

And here is my first ever blog candy win thanks to the lovely Juls at the Glitter Chick.
I was so excited about winning this lovely Funky Kits stamp. Thanks Juls.

Consultants update
Well I visited the consultant yesterday. He looked in my throat and said "WOW". Was this a good wow or a bad wow?
Turns out my tonsils are enormous for a women my age and there is not much space at the back of my throat (never stops me eating though!!!) I need to have them removed and something else cut away. BUT to make the op. effective I need to lose...........about 2 stone!!!!!
Well girls I will have to do it. I am 12 stone 4Lb at the moment. So I need your help. Keep telling me to be good. I will keep you informed on my progress
Love ( An overweight) Sarah XXX


  1. Congrats on your award and your win..
    Hugs, Linda

  2. Ooo ta Sarah.

    Good luck on the weight loss - I've lost 25lbs by going to fat club!

  3. Well done on winning that sweet stamp Sarah, i'm looking forward to seeing what wonderful creation you make with it :O)
    And good luck with the weight loss, and not very nice operation at the end of it! My son (he is 2.5 yrs) got his taken out along with a polup in his nose and they put a drain in each ear, and it has made the world of difference in his sleep quality, much to our joy :O) My other son who is 1.5yrs is due an operation this week coming to remove a polup in his nose and place a drain in each ear too. so we are hoping his result will be as good as our first son. well there you go a little bit of blab and news from me hehe. have a nice weekend :O)
    Hugs Nina

  4. Thanks a lot, Sarah - you're the sweetest!! And good luck with your weightloss - u can definetively do it!!!! :D

    Big hug!

  5. Awh hun, thank you so much! Bless ya. Ewh about the tonsils, not pleasant, and best of luck with the weight loss - I'll do it with you for moral support if that'll help (need to shift several pounds). Hugs, Chubby Squirrel xx

  6. Hi Sarah, sorry I haven't thanked you before but I must have missed your email originally. Thanks for thinking of me. Hugs, Denise x
