
Sunday, 28 February 2010

Blog Candy Winner.........

Thank you to everyone who entered my first blog candy. I was a bit nervous that I wouldn't get many entering. So you can imagine how excited I have been to see 105 enter! So sorry that everyone couldn't win. There can only be one
So the moment you have been waiting for. The winner is.....
That you Kjerstin. Congratulations. Could you email me with your full name and address so that I can send your prize to you

It is my first blogaversary in March so I will be putting up some more blog candy so keep checking my blog.
Love Sarah XXX


  1. congratulations to the winner and thanks so much sarah for the chance to win your yummy candy.luv coops.xx

  2. Congrats to the winner! Enjoy your goodies. Sarah, it's my blogoversary in March too (my first) but will have to delay the candy until after Easter as I'm not allowed to buy anything!!! Hugs, Squirrel xx

  3. Congrats to Kjerstin! Thanks again for the chance to win your lovely candy!

  4. Congrats Kjerstin! Enjoy all the lovely goodies from Sarah! And Sarah, thanx again for the chance to win and congrats to you on all your blog hits!
