
Friday, 19 February 2010

My daughters jewellry

I have tried for years to get my daughter Emma into card making but she stubbornly refuses. she doesn't know what she is missing!
Anyway we decided to have a go at some jewelry  and I posted my first bracelets a couple of days ago.
So I thought it would only be fair to show you what Emma has made.
It ended up a family affair as she got her dad involved drilling holes in some of the beads so that she could thread them easier. This was at 12:30 p.m!!!!
Daniel had gone to bed upset as he had just found his pet mouse dead in its cage.
I think she has done a great job. In the past 2 nights she has made 3 necklaces and 3 bracelets. I hope she doesn't get too addicted. I can't afford all the beads!!!!. Perhaps I should put out a call for "send your old beads to a new home"!

Love Sarah XXX


  1. sorry to hear about your sons pet mouse!!! and the braclets are just fab!! I big well done all round I think!! Hugs Juls

  2. What a great family achievement! The jewellery is gorgeous... you know what you'll be getting for Birthdays, Mothers Day, Easter, Christmas etc...

    Hope your son cheers up soon x

    Sarah x

  3. I just love the jewelry you guys are creating!

  4. Hi Sarah

    Your daughter certainly has done a great job, might not be cardmaking yet, but could be the first step.

    Why do they make some beads with such small holes, I was so frustrated when I bought some really pretty pearl ones and the hole is too small for even craft wire. Just crazy.

    B x

  5. Wow hun, these are gorgeous (and your earlier posted bracelet too) - would be thrilled to own the first one particularly if she's willing to sell! Think you could have a good little earner on your hands there babe. So sorry to hear about the mouse - I was distraught when mine died (I was 7 at the time). Hugs, Squirrel xx

  6. Sarah, tell your daughter that she did an awesome job on these and your braclets from your earlier post are just beautiful!!! I haven't made any jewerly since the Christmas before last. Sorry I haven't been by that much!! I just haven't had time to comment, but I have seen all your beautiful creations!!
    Sorry about the pet mouse!!
