
Monday, 15 February 2010

Thank you for my award

Last week  I  had another award. This was from Debs ( Freckleface). Thank you so much for thinking of me Debs and for visiting and always leaving lovely comments. So sorry it has been so long me posting this. I just don't know where the time has gone!!!!!

The rules are
1) Copy and Paste the award on my blog.
2) List who gave you the award and link to her blog.
3) List 10 things that make you happy,in no particular order.

I have put the award in my sidebar. I am giving this award to
  1. Net 
  2. Michele 
  3. Lisa 
  4. Paola 
  5. Brenda
Ten things that make me happy are:
  1. My husband always makes me laugh
  2. Photos of Daniel when he was little. He always screwed his face up if he had to have his picture taken with his sister.
  3. Videos of Emma and her friends when they were little being Spice girls.
  4. The oohs and ahhs from the kids at school when I show them what creative project we are making that week.
  5. When the kids at school say I look nice even if I feel miserable inside
  6. When I can tell that the children I  have been teaching literacy  now kmow how to spell a new word and are proud of themselves
  7. Watching my niece experience sand and sea for the first time aged 2
  8. Watching videos of Daniel when he was 6 when he dressed up as an old lady and walked through my videoing of Emma and her friends dancing and singing saying that he was too old for all of this. He wore a dress, scarf, shoes, bag and umbrella. I could blakmail him with this one day!!!!!
  9. Reading the comments people leave on my blog
  10. 3 days after my mum had her cancer operation, my mum and dad were arguing again. I knew that things were back to normal!!!!!
  11. Love Sarah XXX


  1. Hi Sarah

    Thank you so verty much for thinking of me when passing this on.

    Now I had better be honest and say I am a very bad blogger with awards and forget to post and pass on, but with all good intentions I will do my best.

    B x

  2. Thanks for thinking of me Sarah :o) I'm another one who is very bad at sorting out awards and passing them on, but I will try! xx

  3. Congrats on your award !!! You so deserve it..
    Hugs, Linda
