
Tuesday, 9 March 2010

An award from Samantha

I was really thrilled to find that Samantha (Penrith Crafts) had sent me an award. Who needs the Oscars!!!

 The rules of acceptance are:
1. Give a top 10 list of the things that makes you happy.
2. Give a top 5 list of trivia about yourself.
3. Share the award with only 5 persons and ask them to do the same thing.
4. Link the blogs you choose and link the blog of the person awarded you
So here goes....10 things that make me happy 
  1. My family
  2. The kids at school
  3. sunshine
  4. holidays
  5. a nice meal
  6. A new stash of craft goodies
  7. reading comments people have left on my blog
  8. Making jewelery with my daughter
  9. Looking at the garden once it has all been mowed!!
  10. A good comedy show
5 pieces of trivia
  1. I had my appendix out at age 11
  2. I love pruning bushes!!
  3. I took 1500 photos on a 5 day visit to New York
  4. I can't swim
  5. I can't ride a bike
Now the 5 people I want to send this to are

  1. Angela
  2. Nina
  3. Suzie
  4. Juls
  5. Gina

Love sarah XXX


  1. Sarah, thank you for the award!! I will try to have it on my blog by tomorrow night!!

  2. ohh Sarah! how sweet of you! I,ve not been in blog land for quite some time now so i havn't had time to do anything with this award you have given to me! (I have arthritis and have been going through a bad spell, but am feeling a bit better now- at the sametime i have had an order for 85 wedding invites to get out so all my efforts have gone into that) Thank you so much! I will now try to get the award out on my blog hopefully this evening :O) You have made a whole load of beautiful cards whilst i have been away! Was it the Mumps you had? I remember having that when i was little, not very nice at all! And your poor dad loosing his best friend, such a shame.
    Hugs from me to you, and thanks again :o)
    Nina xx
