
Monday, 29 March 2010

NEC update and I met Dawny P!!!!!

A very tired hello to all of you, after doing 3 of the 4 days at the NEC.
I don't know how all the regulars do it week after week. And don't forget the setting up and the dismantling at the end. I helped Sarah breakdown the stand on Sunday.with Karen. Boy is that girl strong! and she's so thin too!!!
We were rushed off our feet the moment the doors opened on Thursday. We we aisle A stand 02 so we got a load of visitors. Each day I didn't demonstrate until about lunchtime so that I could help with the sale of the Promarkers. I have NEVER seen so many Promarkers.
I had the chance to say a quick hello to friends and ladies who come to my card lessons. Hi Sarah, Manda, Lyndsey, Grace, Daisy, Gail, Jane, Debbie, Diane and anyone else I have missed.
Unfortunately I never did get to meet Bev or Kim. ( I really hoped I would meet them as I LOVE their blogs)
However Dawny P came and gave me a hug and said hello. How exciting is that !!! We had a very quick chat about Copics.  I guess she must have seen my comment on my blog about being at the show. Dawny if you are reading this Thank you for making my day. It was just like meeting crafting Royalty!!!!!( I have just been over to Dawny's blog to create and link and even more excitement for me. She mentions me on there!!!!!Goodness I can't contain my excitement.
So no cards today ( I will post tomorrow the 16 Smirk cards I did on Wednesday evening) but here a a few photos from the show. Me working!!! and Storm Troopers who were obviously there to guard all our craft goodies ( actually there was a Memorabilia show but I like my idea better)
See you
Love Sarah XXX


  1. Ok now i would also be truly excited to meet Dawny P ...BUT...storm troopers!! OMG..i happen to have a serious fetish for them ...i reckon i would have just stood and stared at them until security dragged me away..lmao...Debs x

  2. What a WONDERFUL experience for you! I have only been to 1 expo for card making and that was on the mainland. Unfortunately, we don't get them here... boo hoo! SO glad you had a good time and got to meet such nice ladies. I would love to be able to meet ladies like you, the ones who we visit each others blogs. It would be so fun! ALoha & hugs, J:)

  3. Hi Sarah...just found your blog over at Dawns(all pink girl)and im sure i came in to your stall at the show on saturday..but i didn't know this was sorry to hear you didnt get to meet kim..but i was lucky enough too..and i can say she is sooo lovely and warming..we had a great time chatting in weatherspoons(pic's on my blog)i hope you get to meet her at the next show.
    i came across the storm troppers lots of times..there were loads of them..coming from
    thanks for sharing your pic's..happy easter hugs clare xx
