
Thursday, 18 March 2010

Part 2 of tutorial: Promarkers on shrink plastic

Digital image on Shrink plastic and coloured with Promarkers.

1. I have also printed the image directly on to Shrink plastic. Be careful when handling this though as the ink stays wet.

2. Colour in the image taking care not to touch the print as it will smudge. Your colouring with Promarkers doesn't have to be good here! Don't use very dark colours as the colours you use intensify when the image is shrunk. Punch a hole in the Shrink plastic if you wish to attach it to your project with a brad or to thread ribbon through.

3. Finally shrink it with a Heat gun. You now have a small "tile" to attach to your project


  1. Thanks for this hun - daren't put shrink through the new printer (I'd get shot) so I'll stay with stamping. How quickly do the PMs dry? Once heated, is the colour permanent or will is scratch off? Just wondering if I could use technique for more robust projects. Hugs, Squirrel xx

  2. Great tutorial! It looks like a lot of fun. Guess I have another new technique to try! Hugs, J:)

  3. Hi Sarah, what a great tutorial I shall definitely be trying this one. One question, do you use an inkjet printer to print your digi images as everything I have tried this the ink spreads and then just leaves a big mess and doesn't resemble anything. Do you print on the rough side or the shiny?
    Sorry not been visiting lately I haven't been well but back now.
    Max x

  4. this looks like fun, not sure my printer could manage it tho' but will have a go! If anything comes out still wet, I usually throw some embossing powder over it and heat set it...then it looks like a stamped image...((Lyn))
