
Tuesday, 27 April 2010

What has happened to my followers list?

I have noticed recently that my numbers of followers are decreasing. I had hoped they would increase instead. Obviously people are actively deleting me and I don't know why.. What is something I said?????
I have a card that I am entering for the WOJ challenge blog. There is a sketch by the fab Bev to follow. I have coloured my image with Promarkers. The papers are the fabby Tim Holtz. My flowers and pearls are from Wild Orchid Crafts.The DT cards are gorgeous but I do hope you like mine
If you get the chance to comment I would love to read what you think
Have a lovely evening
Love Sarah XXX


  1. Oh Sarah this card is stunning, just my type of card, love the colors you have used. Thanks for joining us at WOJ. My heart actually cracked a littel when iread this post, i think that its so sad to start to lose your followers, unfathomable as to why, i havent noticed anything untoward. I did read somewhere a while ago that there was some type of scam on the rounds that killed peoples blog followers. Hope it comes right.

  2. Sarah this is beautiful hun!!! What a fantastic piece of work and I love how you have added those pearl sprays! Beautiful! Thanks for joining us this week at the WOJ Challenge!
    Hugs~ Kim

  3. Hi Sarah, oh dear this is a bit strange, I am sure it is nothing that you did though and I am definitely staying put ha ha.
    Great card again as usual and I love how you have coloured this one.
    Max x
    PS. I was 4th yesterday on your top commentators and had 9 next to me - spooky!!!

  4. Oh hun, how beautiful (don't nag me, I couldn't NOT leave a comment) your card is. Love all the detail and those pearl fronds are gorgeous. So darn pretty! As for your followers, no idea, mine go up and down sometimes. If people are leaving, they are the ones missing out as your blog is BRILLIANT, as are you. Squirrel xxx

  5. You make a lot of beautiful cards Sarah. And I am not going to stop follow your blog! Love WOJ stamps and what you do with promakers! The colours are so nice! :) Have a lovely day! Hugs

  6. Lovely card Sarah, love the pearls! My followers go down sometimes too, bit of a confidence knock isn't it? I think some people add themselves for candy and then leave after. Try not to let it upset you, it probably happens to everyone! Lisa x

  7. gorgeous card Sarah i am with you all the way..i may not always comment but i love seeing all your posts..your work is stunning and inspiriational. hugs to you Janet

  8. so sweet! Love your colouring and the gorgeous distressed edges! and the pearl detail is just so sweet! Hugs Juls

  9. This is just beautiful.. Love the colors and the image is just beautiful..
    Hugs, Linda

  10. this is a gorgeous card and don't worry too much its probably blogger playing up as a little while ago one of the blogs i was following dissapeared and i had to refollow so i think its just a little error xx

  11. Hi sarah

    Gorgeous card as usual ;-)

    I think a lot of people become followers if you give away candy (and they only follow for that reason), it is a bit sad really and shows those people do not really follow you to support your blog or get inspiration. I must admit that sometime when the list of blogs I am following becomes too huge I will have a "spring clean" and delete some which I don't get time to follow or comment on.

    I wouldn't take it personally as I suppose that is the nature of blogging and people are fickle ;-) I will continue to follow and take inspiration from your beautiful creations!

    Sarah x

  12. wow stunning card sarah, i love this woj image and your colours are gorgeous.really love your layout and scrummy flowers.luv coops.xx

  13. Sarah, what a gorgeous card. I love the flowers and pearls as they make a lovely additional to the beautifully coloured in image. Sometimes when blog candy is offered people only become followers for that reason and soon afterwards they delete themselves. I had that happen last year. It was a huge knock as I went over 100 followers but I'm back down to the early 80s but I feel that these are feel that genuinely like to see my work. Best wishes, Kym xxx

  14. Hi Sarah Gorgeous card hun i love the colours, i had the same thing happen with my followers too. Glad to hear your dad is doing ok. luv gina xx

  15. This is gorgeous Sarah. I love the colours and that gorgeous DP. And you always have lovely flowers.

    I agree with some of the others about people starting to follow when you have candy and then deleting themselves. I think I've lost some for that reason too!

    Kat xx

  16. Hi Sarah
    How strange that your followers are decreasing ?!?!? Oh well, their loss ! Obviously all of the important ones are staying :-)
    Love this card, the colours are beautiful.
    Glad your dad is on the mend

  17. This card is lovely x Leigh x

  18. Beautiful card!!! The colors and the details are fabulous!!
    Thanks for joining us at Whiff of Joy challenge.


  19. Your card is absolutely beautiful... I love visiting your blog and im still a follower, wouldnt think of leaving; you are such an inspiration. Love Diane xx

  20. Morning Sarah

    I can only add my thought to what others have said - nothing you have done wrong or said at all.

    I think there are two main reasons our followers drop at time, one is that some peeps just stop blogging and clear out their lists - I can think of a couple of times where I have read bloggers saying they did this.

    And two sadly some just sign up for candy then stop following. I lost about ten after my last candy.

    Then there are the stalwarts who hang on like clams, peeps like you and I who are going nowhere. Don't fret about it, more will come.

    And finally, lovely card.

    B x

  21. a delish card hun... don't know about the following thing.. just that a lot of blog that i thought i was following sometimes i have to re follow as i don't seem to be on there any more... weird... i am going to check to see if i am still on your followers list.. I may not get to comment every time hun, but do love to check out what your up to... don't let it get to you... like what some have already said, some people just follow because of the candy give-aways...xxxx

  22. ???? i wasn't on there... am now

  23. Oh Fabulous card Sarah, love the colours and the sweet image.

  24. Oh Matie! I am very sorry but I do have a valid reason for not stopping by much! I have had this aweful arm still and this last week and a bit I have had what I beleive to be a nasty virus which has had me in bed all week,

    But today I have crawled out on my pit and crawled on here and I see your sad message!

    I know what you mean my list seems to be up one week and down the next and well I have nearly 100 followers and only a handful ever leave comments your are defiantly loved you have loads of comments its not who followers its who comments and your doing just fine! and by the way! the card! its AWESOME!!!

    hugs Samantha :)

  25. Oh Sarah I know it;s for sure nothing you did wrong as you are just the sweetest person I have meet( Well not in person, I wish I could) and your heart is always beautiful. This happens to me somtimes to. But they are always ones who never leave a comment. I ahve some true followers on my blog and those are the ones I comment on as they are followers for the right reasons. I also follow some blog that I hardly ever leave a comment on as they have so many followers that they never even know who I am, but I love to see their creations. I ahve only dropped 2 blogs that I follow, 1 quite blogging and the other was that ever creations she posted always looked the same and after 5 months of following her and nothing ever changing I got tired of seeing the same thing everyday.
    Don't worry Hun I'm not going anywhere. I jsut love seeing all your creations just don't have time to comment everyday. But I always try to play catch up on all your post and leave a comment. With 3 kids and 5 DT's oh yeah and a 40 hr a week job(at least) sometimes it hard to comment everyday. BUT YOU ARE NEVER FAR FROM MY MIND!! You are one of my best followers and always leave me the sweetest comments. THey always brighten up my day!! If I didn't make sense or mispelled a bunch of stuff I'm sorry!! As my fingers more faster than my brain or is it the other way around!!
    Love Ya Sarah!!!
