
Wednesday, 30 June 2010

An amazing funeral attendance

 Some of you, particularly if you live in the Midlands, may have heard about a young lad called Josh who died 6 weeks ago when a car mounted the kerb in Smethwick, and pinned him up against a shop front. The shop front collapsed. Several others were injured but unfortunately Josh lost his life that day. He was only 15. He and his older brother were friends of my children and we know the family. So it was a real shock to us when we heard of the incident and then realized it was someone we knew. Now when someone dies people always say what a lovely person they were, and this was really true in Josh's case. Both he and his brother are and were an absolute credit to their parents, children any parent would be proud of. And the proof of it was at the funeral. There were 400 at the crematorium and about 1,000 at the Hall in Dudley, the majority being adults who were so impressed with this young man. Many of his school friends at teachers attended too. It was very emotional seeing girls and boys walking in with bouquets of flowers and then seeing them go and talk to Josh's parents afterwards.
It is a good reminder to us that we do not know what is around the corner or how long we have left. Life is too short to bear grudges.
Josh, you may be gone but you are not forgotten

(James 4:14) whereas YOU do not know what YOUR life will be tomorrow. For YOU are a mist appearing for a little while and then disappearing.



  1. Hi Sarah I am so sorry to read your story & feel for everyone involved. We had a similiar accident happen in March involving a car that mounted the pavement & killed a mother & toddler around the corner from where we live. These things never make any sense & it does make you count your blessings everday.xx
    You are all in my thoughts & prayers. XXX

  2. Oh Sarah, what a tragedy for this young mans family to bear, it is so heartwarming though that this young man touched so many peoples lives.

    My friends daughter Cygaya died in 2008 wheh she was only 17, she was another good un and they always say the good ones that are too good for this life are taken to a better place.

    Sarah x

  3. Oh Sarah how sad - my thoughts are with you all xx Lynne xx

  4. Beautifully done.
    Love as always Gina x x x

  5. So sorry Sarah, one just never knows what is in store for us. Big hug to you.

  6. Hi Sarah,

    Wow, that was impressive! How amazing, that so many people were there, that must have done well for the parents. Hope they will manage to give it all a place and for you as well. He was way too young... Good luck, my dear friend.

    Hugs, Wendy

  7. Hey chick...sounds like you've had a pretty tough week again :-(

    you left me a message about my the short version is..someone has the name freckleface for her card company so i was forced to change everything :-(..i did put a couple of messages on the old page to explain to people as my url had changed they would need to re-follow so hopefully you'll get my updates again :-)
    the 3 columns is just on the new blogger templates...i have noticed a couple of sites i followed have disappeared but not sure if its since i changed it or not but other than that everything else seems to have saved ok...hope that helps :-)...Debs x

  8. Hi Sarah

    Just trying to catch up on things, very sad ineed.

    Some lovely cards since I last visited, Sorry it's been a while but only just feeling well enough again.

    B x

  9. How awful Sarah - A terrible thing to happen.
