
Thursday, 24 June 2010

Another bargain! 2nd post of the day

Just thought I would add this quick post. I was in Home Bargains In Wolverhampton yesterday. Not sure if there are any others around the country. I spied these 2 stamps PARTY and MUCHAS GRACIAS. Would you believe it they were 19p each. Yes 19p each!!!!!!
Has any one else found any good bargains recently? I would love to know what you have found and where
Love sarah XXX


  1. I found a bargain but it was at a flea market. Got 4 rubber stamps for $2! YAY for bargains!! :)

  2. omg 19p each i never find bargains this good :(
    but these are such cute stamps love the muchas Gracias one xx

  3. Fantastic Buy, still looking lol! Looking forward to working with you at the ranch, have a wonderful weekend, take careX:)
