
Saturday, 7 August 2010

Wedding Anniversary Blog Candy

I am offering a little bit of blog candy to whoever comments the most on my blog between now, Friday 30th and Monday 7th August. It is our 28th Wedding Anniversary on 9th August so I thought I would celebrate by giving a little gift to someone. The prize is a set of La Pashe Flippin stamps. Just state if you would prefer male or female stamps after your comments. I would appreciate it if you could advertise it on your blog too and IF my husband sends me a nice bouquet of flowers I might just add something else to the prize!
Love sarah XXX


  1. Happy wedding anniversary!! :) Hope you have a good summer! :) I like your blog candy! :) Hugs

  2. Happy Anniversary for next week :o) I'm sure you will get your flowers lol - thanks for the candy - if I was lucky enough I really don't mind they are all great :o) xx Lynne xx

  3. Happy anniversary huni big congratulations and what a wonderful thing to do for us too i just love the stamps you are offering i remember seeing them and i really liked the man on the toilet and the bingo lady in fact all of them lol but I really don't mind weather its male or female I just think its amazing what you are doing for us I hope you and your hubby have a great time celebrating
    Lorraine xx

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Sarah,

    Well, I'll do my best in the commenting, hi hi, as you see I'm in the top three, wow!! Hope your husband also reads your blog and that he WILL give you the flowers! Never heard of those stamps, but that makes me curious, so I would love to join in for the challenge! I would go for the girl-version then. Lovely!!

    Have a fabulous weekend!


  6. Sarah, congratulations for next week on your 28th wedding anniversary. My husband and I celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary 10 days ago. Thank you for offering such lovely candy. Best wishes, Kym xxx

  7. Hi Sarah, have a wonderful anniversary next weekend, I hope you get your flowers. You have just reminded me my anniversary is tomorrow and because it is hubby's birthday too I have forgotton the anniversary card. But guess what I have made his birthday card with the Cheers set of Flippin men. (Sent for them after reading your post on Monday - thanks for the tip).
    Have a lovely weekend and run up to your anniversary.
    Take care. Luv B xxx

  8. Happy Anniversary! My hubby and I just celebrated our 19th last week. Takes true love to make it to where you are! Congrats

  9. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO YOU AND YOUR HUBBY, wishing you many more love filled years to come.
    thanks for a chance at winning something which i would otherwise never be able to get my paws on.

  10. Happy Anniversary Sarah.It was my 27 years to on 30th july have a great day would love to be chosen love any set love them all

  11. Happy Anniversary and thanks for a chance to win!!!sorry for my english spero di vincere un saluto dall'Italia bye bye rosapublic slidebar on
    Hugs, rosa
    i am old follower
    blog creative:

  12. Hipp, hipp hurray for 28!!! - it's good to have each other, and your best friend by your side! :)
    If I should be lucky (again! ;), maybe male would bes mart, because I don't have too much of that... :)

    Scrappy hug!!

  13. I've had a real go 'round your blog now, and I loved it all!! :D The word is spread on my blog!

    Scrappy hug, again! c",)

  14. Happy Anniversary!!You dont look old enough to have been married for 28 yr..I mean you look like you only 28 yr.old..Anyway congrats!!!
    Hugs, Linda

  15. Today is the day! Is your hubby away since you mentioned "if he sends you flowers"? I hope the two of you gets a wonderful day celebrating - today, or later when he gets home!

    Thinking of you and wishing you all the best for the next 28 and more!! :D

    With love,
    Kjerstin c",)

  16. happy Anniversary Sarah hope you both have had a great day today xx

  17. Hi Sarah,

    Hope you had a wonderful day yesterday! And also hope your hubby got you flowers or something else nice!! Don't we like that always?! Did you do something special? Just some quality time together is always wonderful, right?!

    Hugs, Wendy
