
Friday, 22 October 2010

My first PINK FRIDAY card

Well as promised here is my first card for Pink Friday.The new blog is open so please visit and become a follower. It is Pink Friday- to show you care.

The aim is to make a Pink card on a Friday to gave to someone who know is ill to cheer them up and let them know someone is thinking of them. ( although Pink is the colour for breast cancer the card can be made for anyone who is ill, not just cancer. Perhaps someone with depression, MS, a rough pregnancy etc)
If you are fortunate enough not to know anyone who is suffering you could donate your card to a Hospice or charity shop or just have it in a box at work.

I have seen the look on peoples faces when they have received a hand made card and they know that someone is thinking of them and wishing them well. It won't cure them but it can help.

I do hope you will join in. You can email me your card and I will put it on my blog ( until i set up the proper one ) or put it on your blog.

Please could you spread the word
Have a great weekend

 ( I will because we broke up today!!!!Yay!!!!!!!)
love Sarah X


  1. Lovely card - super sweet image :o) Off to visit the new blog... Lisa x

  2. Me again - silly blogger won't let me follow your other blog at the moment, I'll try again later! Lisa x

  3. Awww this is tooo cute hun!! Love it :)


  4. This is such a sweet card!
    Hugs Jeanette xx

  5. Great GLITTERY card Sarah! And so perfect for a boy! The stickers are adorable and are perfect for your design, super job! Hugs, J:)

  6. Hi Sarah, I thought I had a card for your new blog but when I read it more carefully I realised that it was supposed to be a get well card and mine is a Christmas card. Oops silly me. I will try to do one though.

    Kat xx

  7. such a lovely idea and I love your gorgeous card too! Hugs Juls
