
Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Another marathon card making session


hope you are all well and enjoying the spring weather
Last week I made 20 cards for Sarah at Hotshotcrafts. Below are some pictures of the lovely hunkydory window card kits. The photos dont do any justice as in real life they are really very effective. They are available at Hotshotcrafts now

Yesterday sarah asked me to make some cards for the show at Glasgow this week. I started at 4:pm and finished at 1 minute to midnight!  30 cards made!!!!!1 There was decoupage, Stamping and colouring and My kitchen looked as if a whirlwind had hit it. Over the next couple of days I will post some of the pics of nthe cards. All items used are available at Hotshotcrafts

Thank you to for all who enquired about the Big Shots I had for sale. they vare now sold but if anyone still wants one or any of the dies please email me and I can arrange payment and shipping ( UK only)

I will also announce the winner of my February candy later tonight son please check back. As 40 entered I have added 4 more items to the original candy and I will post a pic of the goodies
Thank you for takingb the time to visit
hugs sarah x


  1. Hi Sarah!

    Oeh, these are so lovely! True sceneries, how much fun this is, they look wonderful, love these cards!

    Hugs, Wendy

  2. Прекрасные работы! Необычные и очень красивые!!! ))

  3. Oh my goodness these are fabulous! I have not seen anything like these before. I just had to click on each one to bring up a larger view. AMAZING!

  4. Sarah, you can make so many cards so quickly, you amaze me, it takes me a day or more to do just 1. Looks like you've made a geat bunch of them here, well done.
    You mentioned spring weather?????? We are still grey down here, can't wait for some sun.
    Take care.
    luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

  5. wow sono fantastiche le tue card 3D le trovo molto originali... complimenti per questa bella idea ciao rosa.kreattiva

  6. Oh gosh Sarah you astound me with how you manage to do them all so quick.
    Not sure I am going to make it to the NEC as Brian has not been very good at the moment.
    It is a real shame as there are things I really want but oh well.
    Max x

  7. Wow these cards are so wonderful--georgeous-- astonishing-- amazing-----
    What a great idea to present these ladies in a window!

    Have a nice day- best wisehes ILo

  8. these are fabulous huni i love them and you have made so many xx

  9. Wow Sarah you must be shattered after making all these cards. I'm off toGlasgow on Sunday so I'll be able to see them on the Hot Shot stand!

    Kat xx

  10. these are fantastic sarah.i love the elegant ladies :D

    xx coops xx

  11. Lovely cards Sarah. I'm just in awe at how fast you manage to make them - I struggle to make one sometimes! Lisa x

  12. Oh my! Your cards are gorgeous, hun, love them all!
    Hugs Tab xxx

  13. Super makes Sarah.

    I'm on the slow game of catch up to say thanks so much for your support these last few weeks whilst I have been missing from blogland.

    B x

  14. wow these are such fab cards! so stylish!!!! Hugs Juls
