
Monday, 9 May 2011

Can I ask a MASSIVE favour from all my blogging friends?

 This is a repeat post as I accidentally deleted the original one!

Hi everyone

 As some of you know my son is studying Film Production and Media at Staffordshire University. He has just completed a 3 minute film that he has written, produced, directed and filmed himself. He has also designed his own DVD cover.

Can I ask a MASSIVE favour from all you dear blogging friends. Would you watch his film and leave a comment on this post. Any positive comments or constructive criticism would be very much appreciated by him and I know it will boost his confidence too.

ESCAPE from Daniel Wright on Vimeo.

He may be the new Steven Spielberg!!!. You can always say you had a hand in his career!!!

Thank you so much
hugs Sarah x


  1. it's really good, it looks very professional. It reminds me a bit of the film The Ring because of the trees (sorry that will only make sense if you have seen the film lol)
    I like the DVD cover too, did Daniel design it?
    Hayley x

  2. Dont really know much about film making, but I really enjoyed it. Mary x

  3. COOL excellent makes me want to see more!!!

  4. I think its awesome.. I wanted to see more..

  5. I agree with Hayley about the Ring & I loved this just as much please Congratulate you Son & I too wanted more, you must be dead pleased with his work it's great. Janet

  6. well i think its great and i hope we will get to see more in the future your son has a real talent and as janet said you must be so very proud of him this gets top marks from me xx

  7. VERY interesting! It grabbed my attention right away - really liked how when when awoke and blinked you blacked out the pic like she had closed her eyes. The chase kept you interested and wanting to know what had really happened. I liked it very much! Good Luck!

  8. wow really grabbed my attention and its very thought wonder why she is running,very clever :D
    you`re also in my neck of the woods, stoke on trent :D

    xx coops xx

  9. Ok had to watch in silence - don't know what's happened to my sound.
    There is a real feel of tension and fear at times. The location gives it atmosphere and the special effects add to the overall visual imagery. Not sure I understand the story - it seems to be about meeting oneself and having different personas. But which one wins?
    Ok I could be completely off track but I hope this helps.
    Good luck with this piece and with the course.
    luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

  10. Wow that was amazing. It could have been a trailer for a big film in the cinema. Good luck in the studies.

  11. wow!! i love mystery..this was so well done..kept me on the edge of my seat..and left me with my own interpretation of the story..all in the required time..well done..congrats to your son..loves ya

  12. Very oppressive. I am not into suspense/horror kind of films so I don't know how it would act on someone used to this style, but I did really feel the fear!

  13. This is really good. Daniel should be pretty pleased with how it's turned out. You could really feel her sense of panic as she tried to escape through the trees. Well done Daniel.

    Kat xx

  14. I liked this movie. I was like "omg, what's going to happen to this girl?" and then the "you're dead" part came. That was a big surprise for me. I think your son did a great job!
