
Tuesday, 5 July 2011

A sad day ---the end of an era

Well this was a really sad day for me. My faithful Big Shot has died!
After many years of extensive use it has finally stopped working. It started to make a grinding sound when you turned the handle, the handle then got harder to turn and finally the handle stopped turning altogether.
Michael took it apart , as you can see, cleaned it and put it back together. But, unfortunately it is beyond repair.
I can't bear the thought of throwing away my trusty friend so it will take its place on top of my wall units in the kitchen so that I can regularly look at it with fondness.
Fortunately for me I sell Sizzix products so I have "bought" a new Big Shot from myself!!. My new friend and I have already spent many happy hours together. Hopefully our friendship will last as long as the last one!!!!!
Sizzix Big Shot

have a good day
hugs sarah x


  1. OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's awful!
    RIP! BIG SHOT!!!


  2. awhhhhh, I am mouring your loss with you , ..... enjoy playing with your new one though!!! Hugs Juls

  3. What a sad sad day. Rest in peace dear big shot!

    *glad you were able to get a new one in a jiffy though!*

  4. oh no, thank goodness you could get a new one quick.i would be lost without mine.

    xx coops xx

  5. So sorry and you have my condolences!! I love that you are putting it on your shelf, cool! Every time you see it you will recall lots of fond memories! Have fun with the NEW toy!! Luv & hugs, J:)
