
Sunday, 31 July 2011

Wedding blog candy - to celebrate my daughters wedding

This is a sticky post

Hi there
just 2 more days to go to Emma's wedding. So I thought what can I do for all my blogging friends. I know I will put up some blog candy.
So please enter and you could win this gorgeous Lily of the Valley Wedding stamp. In fact it is the same stamp I used on Emma;s Invites. ( it isn't  the "actual" stamp,. This is a brand new one!!!!)

To stand a chance of winning all you have to do is
  1. Become a follower ( if you haven't already)
  2. Advertise it on your blog
  3. Leave a comment about something to do with a wedding. It could be something happy, strange, your wedding or someone else's. I will pick out my favourite story.
So do have a go.

This candy will end on 31st July 2011

Sarah x


  1. Hi Sarah :)
    Thanks for a chance to win this fab stamp.
    For my wedding story....hmm....well it's my 8th wedding anniversary this Sunday. I was only 20 when i got married and had no money but still paid for my wedding myself. Somehow I managed to get meals for 40 people,a wedding dress,a bently to drive us, 2 wedding rings, and a band all for the total of about £1000 lol not bad ey? My parents bought the wedding cake from a supermarket and that was their contribution to my special day hahahaha But my point is it didn't matter one bit how broke we were, we still had a fantastic day and all that mattered was that we loved each other :)
    Thanks for the chance,
    Fiona x

  2. First off, CONGRATS Sarah on your daughter's weeding! Such a very special moment for us Mom's!!!!

    My favorite wedding memory is from last June when my daughter was married. They wanted to come to Hawaii to be married, but it was too expensive for a lot of the family to travel that far. So they had a beautiful outdoor wedding in Oregon that was all wildflowers and sunflowers, her favorite. She still wanted something very Hawaiian, she wanted me to make her "haku" (a woven head piece) as she didn't want to wear a veil. The morning of the wedding, her future husband came and got me and the two of us drove out into the woods where we picked ferns and wildflowers. We had so much fun together just the two of us talking and laughing. I wove all the flowers and ferns together and my daughter was so pleased. She said she had a bit of her beautiful island with her in spirit that day. I was thrilled for her!

    AND SARAH, THANX SO much for posting my blog candy! I sure hope we get a good response! BIG HUGS, J:)

  3. bet you are getting excited now sarah.i hope you daughter has a really special day :D
    thanks for the chance to win your candy :D
    my wedding story.
    this year its our 10th wedding annivesary and our wedding day was the day after my 27th birthday.we had been together 12 years when we married and i had a beautiful day.our wedding was captured on video and there were quite a few funny moments and sad ones too,my mil was in tears as my late father in law never saw his baby get married but to make sure that he was there on the day i bought my wedding ring with the last gift money he had given me before he passed.our wedding rings are also engraved inside with our wedding date and the words love eternal. ah bless ;D

    xx coops xx

  4. Hi hunny, wishing Emma the best day ever with just enough sunshine and a slight breeze to keep her cool! have a fabby day and congrats on getting everything done!

    Ok so a story! Hmmmmm happy and sad... it was my birthday on 17th just gone.... and it will be my wedding anniversary on the 25th July...

    For my 40th Birthday Now 2 years ago instead of all the guests to what they thought was a surprise birthday meal for me... turned up only to find me there already... but the suprize came to them when at the dessert course of the meal my dearest now husband stood up to say a few words about me and shocked them all telling them we were to be wed in a year and 1 week! HHA ha!! :) hugs me x

    Sad news on my blog re my best friend moving away! :(

  5. Always something exciting in your blog, Sarah - and now your daughter is getting married tomorrow!! ♥ Hope the day's getting wonderful for all of you!!! :D ♥

    Hmm - my wedding was 13 years ago the 11th of July this year. I was only 21 years old, and I have always been a tomboy, so now - all these years later - I'm kind of embarrased when I think of how little I contributed (is that the right word in English? ;)
    My mom did pretty much everything, I think.... And how many brides doesn't even know what their brides bouqet lookes like untill they get it right before church??? I couldn't have cared less for flowers, so when my mom and I were at the fowerladies house to talk about what flowers should be in it and how it would look, she just said: "I know you. I'll make the perfect bouqet that fits you." - and she did! I liked it a lot! I even learned how cala lilies looked like - never knew before, but have never forgotten since my wedding! LOL :D

    So I kind of think: Wow! How did my mom dare to let me get married as immature as I was! ;) I think about that now as I have 3 kids of my own...

    But I'm so thankful for that wonderful day 13 years ago! Everyone around us(over a hundred for coffee!) made it so special and perfect, even though I was just there, not participating too much in advance... (But I've done my effort in a lot of friends'es weddings later - love that! :) Rune and I were so happy - and still are!! ♥

    I've put the stamp in my sidebar, and I'll post a picture of me and Rune that day on my blog, so you can see for yourself how happy and childish I was that day! ;D

    Big hug for you, Sarah! Love to be your blogfriend!!
    My prayers for tomorrow are mentioned and sent! (it's my youngest daughters 4th birthday too, by the way!! :)

  6. Hi Sarah, I hope it was a wonderful wedding!
    My niece married July 8th and although the weather could have been better, it was a fantastic day! The funniest memory was already late in the evening and I swear I wasn't drunk. When we were dancing on Shakira's 'Time for Africa' all of the sudden an elephant, a giraffe and a monkey appeared on the dance floor. The broom's family changed clothes and it was their idea to make a link to the honemoon which went to Kenia :) I'm sure they are enjoying their last days there right now.
    I'm following and there's a link in my sidebar . Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

  7. Love the pics of you & your beautiful daughter on her wedding day!
    My wedding day was a very quiet affair, we had no money, so we had a family only do, mums dads, sisters, brother & nieces 13 of us in total! We told them 2 weeks before the wedding! Both Mums acted as our witnesses! We were married in the local registrars office & had a buffet at home! Our wedding buffet was prepared by my OH & mother in law! We had a whole salmon & a leg of lamb provided by a friend of a friend as a thank you for a favour we had done!It was a great day! 17years later my sister in law got married & it was the same registrar! Another 5 years on & my niece got married, again the same registrar in a totally different area! OMG, I sound like I'm writing to one of those womens magazines!lol
    Anyhoo, thanks for the chance off your lovely candy! Good Luck everyone!
    dawn xxx

  8. the wedding photos are so beautiful Sarah they really are,im not married but have been with my other half almost 14 years since i was 17 so you could say we are married without the certificate lol,i do remember being a bridesmaid at my cousins wedding when i was very young i had this baby pink huge dress on lol i dont even wear dresses now so its funny looking at the photos,i spent most of the time sat on my grandads knee asking him everything about him as he had seperated from my nan and never got to see him but i will always remember that special time with him as he is no longer with us.I hope the wedding was everything your daughter hoped for xx

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