
Friday, 2 December 2011

Craftroom clear out---Blog Candy!!!!!!

This is a sticky post. Please scroll down for new posts
 I am having another!! Craft room clear out. I have put some items up for sale on Ebay but thought I would offer some up as Blog Candy. The majority of the items are unused.
I am aiming for 300 followers. As soon as that number is reached I will pick a winner.  I might also add to the candy as I " clear " out more of my stash. I will update the photo.

To be in with a chance to win
  • Become a follower, if you aren't one already
  • Post the above picture on your sidebar with a link back here to help spread the word
  • Leave your name with Mr Linky below
 sarah x


  1. Great candy. I am already a follower and now I'm posting the gorgeous candy in my sidebar:)Hugs Bettina

  2. Thanks for the chance, and good luck on gathering more followers! I love it when someone does a clean out!!

  3. Yay!
    I'm a dedicated follower! And, I just posted your photo to my sidebar!
    Thanks Sarah!

  4. Great candy! I am already a follower and have posted on my sidebar! Thanks for a chance to win!

  5. I bet everyone gets very excited when you clean out your supplies! I know I am! Good luck on getting your followers, I'll help spread the word! Hugs, J:)

  6. Aww, how sweet of you to offer candy. I'm a follower already (although not been very good at commenting recently as work has got the better of me :( ) but do enjoy seeing your cards even if I don't comment. I have posted in my sidebar. Good luck on getting more followers :)


  7. Great candy! I'm your follower already and put it in my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win!!!

  8. Hi Sarah, thanks for the chance to win some goodies. Hope you'll enter my candy too. Marianne x

  9. Wow, what a great candy. Thank you for the chance to win.
    I enjoyed looking through your blog. You create very beautiful crafts.
    greetings from Austria,

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Great candy Sarah! I'm a follower already. I have posted picture and link in my sidebar.
    Thank's for the chanse to win.
    Have a nice day!
    Hugs, Turid from Norway :)

  12. I totally need to do this. I am already a follower. I put your blog candy on my sidebar. Thanks for letting me know about it. Also thanks for your sweet comment on my tags.

  13. Hi Sarah! Signing in as Follower 282... thanks for comment at my blog, and for the invitation to your blog! Here I am! How generous of you to offer candy to your followers... thank you for the chance to play in the draw!
    hugs from Australia, Pauline

  14. Hi, found your candy, followed you and have put you on my sidebar. I too have candy to win if your interested...

  15. Lovely candy :-) I have added you to my side bar
    :-) Nina

  16. Aww fab Candy Sarah! Hope you soon get your 300 Followers!

    I have become new follower and linked in my sidebar! Look forward to visiting your site and seeing all your fab projects!

    Hugs Sue xx

  17. Thanks for the chance to win.. I love your blog.. good luck to get your 300 followers.. you are almost there.. have added you to my sidebar.. hope you follow there too.. Hugs, Mich

  18. Thank you for the chance I've linked you up and already follow your blog :) hugs Nikki

  19. Phew finally got here hun, gorgeous candy will put it on my sidebar for you,good luck on your followers, hugs Liz xx

  20. What a nice candy and your blog is fantastic. Thank you for chance to win this great candy.

    Gr. Ineke

  21. Great candy .. now you have a follower i Denmark :)

  22. still 4 to go! I have put a picture on my blog!

  23. Hi fantastic candy, everything looks so delicious.. and love your blog and gorgeous cards :) Thanks for letting me know about it and the chance to win :) ... Three more to go yay :) xxx

  24. Just a little to reach you 300 followers. Merry christmas. Hugs.

  25. Thanks for the chance! It's a great candy! Bo. xx

  26. wow what delish candy
    already a follower
    thank for the chance
    Love Jan xx

  27. Sarah, I could have bet money that I was already a follower but it seems not.!!!!! don't know how!!! anyway I'm following you "again" now.Lol
    Suzi x

  28. Thanks for the chance! Its great candy!

  29. Hi...

    This candy is so sweet!!
    I'm already your follower – crie artezzanato

    My e-mail

    I linked it on sidebar

    Thanks for chance to win.

  30. Hi Sarah!
    I am new to blogland, just joined this week! Please come and visit if you get a chance. Really love your work! you are very talanted! Thanks for winning chance to win some candy!
    Love Pearl x
