
Monday, 7 November 2011

You wont believe this!!!!!.....

We had a great time at the NEC. I was demoing TH Distress Inks and the new Papermania Urban stamps. It was so busy that you wont believe.............I never left the stand at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So you know what that means. I never bought a thing!!!!!! The first show ever where I haven't spent anything.

At least I will get to see what my lovely ladies bought.....................and then feel totally jealous!

Here I am ( with all my chins!!!!!) with Lyndsey who is also on Totally Gorjuss DT team.

Hugs Sarah x


  1. Hi Sarah,

    I am once again finding myself playing catchup in blogland, thanks for sharing your fab pic's!! so many gorgeous goodies!!! Hugs Juls

  2. tehehheheee Sarah! you bought a big fat NOTHING! teheheheheee well done! haha! :0)

  3. WHOA, you must have REALLY been busy!!! Sorry you didn't get to have a look around and shop! Well, that's just an excuse to take a special craft supply outing! Hugs, J:)

  4. No pennies spent? - omg you must have been quite fed up when you went home!!!
    Hope you have caught up with yourself now.
    luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox
