
Monday, 30 January 2012

Craftroom clearout candy #3....and a thought

Here is my Craftroom Clearout candy #3

To enter

  • Become a follower ( if you haven't already)
  • Put a photo and a link to my candy on your blog
  • Leave a comment below
Candy ends 3rd February or when I reach 340 followers whichever comes first.

Also, I feel I am being a bit cheeky here, but I have spoken about this to some of my blogging friends.
How would you feel if I was to ask for a contribution towards the postage for these larger candy wins, say £2.They have been costing me about £5+ to post. I realise that this may put people of entering but with the economy the way it is I love to give stuff away but the cost is getting a bit out of hand. Perhaps you can leave a comment about this in the comment box and please feel free to be as honest as you want

hugs Sarah x


  1. What tasty:) Mmm!! I will be the first, truth tell the first doesn't carry: (((Has placed on right панельке I will be glad to see you at myself on a visit.

  2. Sarah all the lovely bits you sent me I would be more than happy to contrubute to the cost - it was so lovely of you
    Love Jan

  3. I am number 333, only 6 to go! I do not mind paying for postage at all. And no it is not impolite or cheeky to do.
    Scrappy love

  4. Hi Sarah thank you for offering the candy! if i win im gonna donate it to a charity blog if thats ok?. I will pay for the postage no prob thank you!

  5. Hi Sarah, thank you for inviting me to join in your candy giveaway!!
    Hazel xx ( Your newest follower )

  6. Ooh thanks for the chance to win this scrummy

  7. Wow.. thanks for this one more great candy.


  8. Hi Sarah. I totally don't mind paying, especially since it would be coming to the states for me. It's so generous of you, thanks so much! I already follow you and added to my sidebar. :)

  9. thankyou Sarah once again for the chance to win!
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Amelia (mimi)

  10. Hi Sarah, if I were fortunate enough to win the candy, I wouldn't mind at all donating for the shipping. Hugs, dj

  11. hi sarah
    thanks for the chance to win your fab candy....i would have no problem paying for the p&p on itif i was lucky enough to win as i know when im have sent candy off it can be expensive .have a great weekend
    tracey x

  12. Hi Sarah, hey me too wouldn't mind and thank you for the chance to win. Hugs xxx

  13. Good heavens lady, you are not going to have anything left to craft with!!! Oh, then you will need to buy more NEW goodies! I see the method in your madness here! I think I should try it! Luv ya, J ;-)

  14. Have just become a follower- thank you for the chance to win some candy! I think a contribution towards postage by the lucky winner is more than reasonable. Fingers crossed x

    1. PS I only have a blog on trimcraft and couldn't find a way to post a photo though I did post a link. I'm a real technophobe so I'm probably being stupid anyway I hope that this will not prevent me being entered for the draw x

  15. Only two more to go... that's exiting! I usually manage to post things relatively cheaply within the UK by trying to stay within the weight and size boundaries of Royal Mail, so I can go for the letter instead of parcel option, use second class and not have it signed for, but sending abroad it is especially expensive - some blogs don't accept foreign entries on their candies for that reason. I think it's fair of you to say it clearly in your post so everyone can decide for themselves to take part or not. Thinking of the practicality of it: it might be best if the winner has access to a PayPal account to pay the 2 Pounds?

  16. Thank you for the chance to win this yummy candy and I do believe i have just become your follower number 340. Well done

    Off to put a link on my blog now

    Sylvia xx
