
Friday, 23 March 2012

NEC and my injury!

With my TG teamie Marriane
Well there was nothing for me to demo at the craft show this time so for the first time in ages I went as a customer. What a great time I had. I watched other people doing demo's. I really enjoyed that and learnt loads of tips and techniques. And I did a bit of shopping too!

I wont say HOW MANY LOTV stamps I bought but lets just say I will be busy for a few weeks.

In fact I bought lots of stamps and some great new dies too and some Sparkle paste which I am going to attempt to use. It looked easy when it was demonstrated. Famous last words.

And I also bought ( a bit too many!) beads.

I had a great surprise when I heard someone call out my name and saw it was my Totally Gorjuss team mate Marianne and her friends. Hope you enjoyed the day Marianne.

I was back in work today but had an accident....opening a door!!!!!!!

The fire door is heavy and I put some force on the handle to open it. As I did I felt a "snap" in my hand. Down the middle of palm I saw a thick, swollen and hard line of blue. My hand started to sweat and my fingers tinkled and felt very tight. I was sent to hospital where the Dr said I had pulled the muscle away
from the bone and broken a vein. He said it will be painful for about a week and could get quite bruised. I need to rest it and take painkillers. I am gutted as it means I wont be able to do any housework!!!!!(LOL)

However I did mange to make 2 cards when I got back home. I will post these later. Nothing stops me crafting!

Have a good and safe evening. be careful opening doors!!!!

hugs Sarah x


  1. Poor you, no housework lol. It must be very painful for you, I hope you heal soon. Hugs lin

  2. That was a surprise suddenly seeing me. Had a great day and so lovely to see you again and have time for a chat. Ouch with yiur poor hand, that sounds v painful and definitely no housework for you. Hope its better soon.

  3. Glad you had such a super time at the show hunny! I think we need a full and itemised list of your purchases to drool over. Owwwwwwwwwch! Now that was a silly thing to do, personally I loathe fire-doors, my office is over run with the darned things, so can appreciate how you did it, but crumbs, that is extreme. Hope it isn't as painful as it sounds sweetie. Shame about the housework, not! Hugs Sxxxx

  4. Oh Sarah fancy doing all that damage just opening a door!!! I dare say it will be a struggle doing no housework....So glad you had a good time at the

  5. Sorry about your hand, Sarah! Looks painful! But I'm glad you had a fabby time at the fair!

  6. Owww!! Hope you are ok xx

  7. Oh Sarah poor you! Something you could do without I am sure! I hope it heals soon.

    Judy x

  8. Poor you Sarah...sounds so painful hun and I hope you get better soon...but at least no!

    Love the picci too and have fun playing..!

    big hugs Vicky xx

  9. Awwww, I'm so sorry to hear about your injury, there is never a good time to have one. But I hope you'll get better soon. Hugs, dj

  10. wish you a speedy recovery dear.

  11. Awww poor you Sarah, hope your poor hand's better soon. At least you can still craft lol! Sounds like you had a good time at the NEC. Did you see Kath on the Fiskars stand? She does great demos and workshops. I've been loving her Hero Arts week on her blog this week.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  12. I really hope those painkillers help and I hope that you feel better.

  13. OMG!! woman you don't do things by ½'s! hope it gets better real quick!! hugs me xx

  14. Hi Sarah, It looks like you had a great time at the NEC and bought some fabby new things....I am sorry to see your hand like that, I hope it gets better soon, Hugs, Teresa x

  15. I´m sooo SORRY that you hand is hurt :-(
    I wish you a speedy recovery!!!!!
