
Monday, 6 September 2010

Hi everyone I am back!!!

Hi girls and boys.
After what feels like a lifetime I am back from my hols.We had a fantastic time time in New York and then on a Caribbean cruise!. I will post a few pics on my blog soon.
Thank you to those of you who visited and left comments while i was away. My scheduled posts worked so I was pleased about that.

It has been  hectic since we got back last Monday night. Tuesday lunchtime Sarah at Hotshot Crafts asked me to make 54 cards for 3.30.p.m. the next day !!! And I had to start back to school the next day too!By Thursday I had what I now think was a migraine which lasted 2 days. I wasn't fit for anything ( no change there then!)
Her are the photos of some of the cards I made last Tuesday.Unfortunately with such little time given I don't get the chance to be very adventurous with the cards. Buy I hope you like them any way
I shall start to trawl all your blogs now to see what you have all been up too
Love sarah x


  1. Hi Sarah,

    Welcome back, hope you are feeling all better now! What huge amount of cards you've made here! Wow, impressive! And did you notice, you look like Marilyn Monroe on the photo! ;-)


  2. Hi Sarah

    Welcom back and so pleased you had a good time.

    Catch you again shortly.

    B x

  3. Hey gorgeous! Good to have you back hunny, missed you. Glad to hear you had a super time. 54 cards? In 24 hours? That's insane! Impressed you did it though LOL! My answer might not have been as polite as yours. Sxx

  4. Welcome back Sarah. Sounds like you had a lovely holiday. Can't imagine doing 54 cards in 24 hours!! No wonder you had a migraine for 2 days after that.

    Kat xx

  5. Welcome home!! Glad you had a good time :o) I think you did brilliantly with all those cards - what a job lot!!!! xx Lynne xx

  6. omg 54 cards in such short time thats amazing Sarah mine would have looked a mess lol your cards are beautiful and I am pleased you had a wonderful time on your holiday it sounds lovely new york and a cruise you lucky lady if anyone deserved the break you did-welcome back xx

  7. wow you have been busy!!! so many amazing cards! Hugs Juls
