
Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Thank you for my 2 awards

What a lovely surprise when I got back from my hols to find I was given 2 awards!
A very big THANKS to Lynne and Lorraine for thinking of me.
This award is from Lynne. (Thank you)
So here's what I have to do :
Thank the person who gave it to you - Thanks Lynne

Copy the Award and post it on your Blog

A) List 3 things that you love about yourself 
The first two are easy to do, but this 3rd bit...what I love about myself?
1. I love the fact that I am fairly creative and can give people ideas about things to make
2. I nearly always try to find good in people
3. I think I have a good sense of humour

B) Post a picture you love
I have chosen this photo we had taken on the cruise
C) send this award to 5 others. so here are my 5
1. Net for being the first person to invite me onto a DT. What a thrill!
2.Angela for being a great blogging friend
3. Wendy another great blogging friend from another part of the world.
4. Samantha we stood by each other at the Trade show watching Tim Holtz and never realized we " knew" each other in blogland
5. Nina. Her work is fantastic!

This award is from Lorraine. Thanks sweetie!  I must tell you why I started blogging. I suddenly became aware of all these fantastic crafters on the internet sharing their work and techniques. I decided I wanted to be a part of this and so glad I did as I have made so many new friends and learnt so much too.
I now have to send it to 10 others and they are
  1. Brenda 
Have a lovely evening. I hope to be posting some cards ond projects very soon!!!!
Love sarah x


  1. Thanks Sarah you are so SWEET and well deserving!!

  2. Hi Sarah!!! Your pic's both of them in hte ;last 2 post are wonderful!!! You ahve a beautiful family and I love the color of your daughters hair!! Gorgeous!!! For some reason I am missing your post in my Dashboard!! I feel so terrible I ahven't stopped by in awhile!! Thank you for the blog awards!!! I am at work so I will post them later and stop by and see the rest of your creations!!! I hope you had a blast and so glad you are home safe and sound!!

  3. Beautyful picture of your family Sarah! Have a nice day! :) Hugs from Lambi!

  4. oh Sarah you Gorjuss sweetie! Thank you so much for these awards! I am honoured that you chose to pass them on to me!
    I will have a wee think about my answers and get them posted on my blog hopefully tomorrow night, ( busy day ahead, hospital check up for my youngest, then cake baking and bar-b-q party for the boys nursery that is 40yrs old this year, dang that place is older than me!)
    Lovley photo of you and your family, a handsome bunch :O)

    Thank you again Sarah.

    Hugs Nina xx

  5. your welcome hun you really do deserve them with your hard work and talents xx

  6. Hi Sarah,

    What a lovely photo this is and how sweet of you that I receive these awards from you, love what you wrote about it!! I must admit that I stopped placing awards on my blog, because I want to keep it a creative one, but I do feel very honored receiving this from you, THANK YOU! If you would like to read more about me and see some photos... I have a website as well, it's been a bit neglected since I have a blog, hi hi, but I hope to relift it soon ;-)
    Looking forward to seeing your new creations, with all the inspiration you must have soaked up on the holiday!

    Big hug,

  7. Congrats on the award Sarah! I love the photo you put in this post.. It really looks like you all are standing in front of a poster or something it is SOOOO BEAUTIFUL!! xxMarley
