I thought I would show you how to mask a stamp. This allows you to stamp one image over another and you can make some great cards.
Today I am using the 'Sitting Oakley' and 'mushroom' stamp from Whiff of Joy soon to be available from
First stamp the Oakley image on to your card

Next stamp the same image onto a post note and cut around the image. The sticky side of the post it note will hold it in place as you place it directly over your original stamped image.

Now stamp the mushroom on top of the post it note positioning it so that Oakley's hand is resting on the top of the mushroom.

It should now look like this.

You can now remove the post it note and your image will look like this

Your masked image is now ready to be coloured.
I hope you found this tutorial to be helpful. Please let me know.
I will post the finished image in my next post.
Thanks for looking
Love Sarah XXX